Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Twelve by Twelve Book - BTS Artists

Beneath the Surface Artists who are co-authors of "twelve by twelve: The International Art Quilt Challenge" - Lark Crafts is highlighting a different artist each day
Gerrie Congdon's profile is here
Karen Rips profile is here
Deborah Boschert is here
Terry Grant is here
Visit the twelve by twelve website
Read Virginia Spiegel's review of the book here

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

One Hundred Collages

One Cause
The Fight Against Cancer
One Wednesday
February 16, 2011
One Hundred Collages
by an all-star team of artists raised over $8700 for the American Cancer Society

Beneath the Surface Artists selected for this special project is coordinated by BTS artist Virginia Spiegel. Click here for the scoop.  
BTS all-star artists are -

Natalya Aikens
Jane Davila
Jamie Fingal
Leslie Tucker Jenison
Linda Teddlie Minton
Karen Stiehl Osborn
Judy Perez
Cynthia St. Charles
Virginia Spiegel

Monday, February 7, 2011

Beneath the Surface artists teaching at CREATE - May 18-22

CREATE - May 18-22 at the Hilton in Costa Mesa;  Everything from jewelry, to making books, quilts, aprons, fabric, and more!  Many to choose from - 3 and 6 hr and 2-Day classes.  Take one class or sign up for a package deal.

This is the first year that it's in Southern California.  Registration opens Feb 8th.  See the line up of teachers and the classes they are teaching ahead of time. The scoop is online
Beneath the Surface Artists that will be teaching at Create:

Natalya Aikens
Handstitched Jewels - 3 hrs - Thurs PM
Mix Your Media in Photoshop - 6 hrs - Friday

Jamie Fingal and Leslie Tucker Jenison
Sheer Imagination: A Paper/Cloth Lamination Adventure 2-Day Class Fri/Sat

Desiree Habicht
Art Applique: The Art Quilters Answer to Applique - 3 hrs - Sunday

Jane LaFazio
Big Book - 6 hrs - Wednesday
Fused Sheer Collage - 6 hrs - Friday
Sketching & Watercolor - 6 hrs - Saturday

Jeannie Palmer Moore
Creating Batik Fabric with Soy Wax - 6 hrs - Wednesday
Create Your Own Original Fabric - 3 hrs - Thursday Night
Design & Paint Your Own Apron - 3 hrs - Wednesday Night
Stitch and Paint - 6 hrs - Thursday

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