Saturday, August 27, 2011

Artist Houses, Part Two!

In the Artist Houses workshop at CREATE mixed media retreat, Chicago, the day was divided into two sections:  morning was devoted to creating layered patterns onto the surface of Hoffman fabric, as well as a variety of paper, using gelatin monoprinting and handmade stamps.  During the second half of the day, students selected from their printed surfaces and color laser images of doors and windows and began to assemble their house designs, which were fused together with Mistyfuse and stitched to window screen.
Take a look:
 Students cut backgrounds for the houses, then used the smaller pieces to create accents
 behind doors and windows

decisions, decisions!

color laser copies of doors and windows were cut 
and glued to the surface with matte medium
houses were stitched to window screen on the beautiful 
Bernina B350 sewing machines

Each student used her beautifully textured cloth and paper to 
create a series of amazing houses!

Part 1 of Folding Artists Houses at Create

Using a variety of unconventional tools, students created
wonderful textured backgrounds on Hoffman fabric
as well as a variety of paper to use in their Artist Houses

Morning portion of our class "Folding Artists Houses" at Create in Chicago; gel printing with Gelli Arts printing plates onto Hoffman Fabrics hand-dyed fabrics

Sample Artists Folding Houses

class room set up with Bernina B350 sewing machines

the building of layers of paint, pattern and design using acrylic paint and gel plates

Later, these background monoprints were layered with students' handmade stamps!

stay tuned for this afternoon!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

CREATE mixed media retreat class: "Aprons As Personal Armor"

This student from another class drops in to try on my sample apron

The Aprons As Personal Armor class at CREATE Chicago was small, but mighty!  Our students worked hard throughout the day to create wearable constructions from cloth and trim.  The classroom was an explosion of color and texture!  We brought many types of trim and ephemera for students to choose from to add to what they brought from home.  I brought a bag of bits and pieces of cloth from previous projects that had Mistyfuse added.  Using Mistyfuse and stitch to assist with their creations, each student left with a great start on her apron.  We can't wait to see the end-results!
 Our students got a great start on their designs and embellishments

There was a great deal of laughter and banter throughout the day.  What fun!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"The Space Between" at Festival in Long Beach

"The Space Between" at the International Quilt Festival in Long Beach - July 2011 - sponsored by Moore's Sewing Centers.  The exhibit was on Main Street (prime location), and was the first exhibit on the right coming from the vendor area.  Judy Coates Perez ,has pictures on her blog too.

Side Corner facing Main Street - (L-R)  Judy Perez, Kathy York, Yvonne Porcella, Cynthia St. Charles

Middle Corner facing Main Street (L-R) Jeannie Moore, Joanell Connolly, Astrid Bennett, Linda Frost

Left Side facing another exhibit - Desiree Habicht, Susan King, Linda T. Minton, Lyric Kinard, Frances H. Alford, Sarah Ann Smith
Back Side Middle; this is the view when people come from the front of the exhibit area; Susan B. Knapp, Barb Forrister, Betty Amador, Deb Borshert, Sherry Kleinman
Looking at the Middle Section from Main Street

Side view

Looking towards Main Street

Left Side Corner - Jamie Fingal, Leslie Jenison, Laura Cater-Woods, Jayne Larson

Looking from Main Street through the exhibit

Right Corner of Middle - Terry Waldron, Gayle Simpson, Susie Monday, Carolyn Ryan

Right Side - facing inside of exhibit - Teresa Shippy, Cindy Cooksey, Gwen Mayer, Julie Schlueter, Pam Klebaum

Moving onto - Jane LaFazio, Paula Chung

Switch to the wall on the other side (inside corner) that parallels the previous wall - Natalya Aikens, Terry Grant

which corners this wall, that parallels the wall on the other side - Loris Bogue, Wen Redmond, Rachel Parris, Karen Rips

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