2. What is your creative process? I think about the project (sometimes until almost too late), imagine it in my head, often search my photo archives and the internet for photo images to inspire me, draw design ideas on whatever is handy, and often use graph paper to finalize the scale of the design. I do not have a design wall, so I use our bed, the back of the couch, even the grass outside to view my arrangements.
3. What's your style? I often do pictorial quilts, but I also love to explore color, shape and surface design. I often use inks, pens or paint even when I am doing more conventional projects. I love to do what I call "fabric collage"-gluing down shapes and shades of fabric to make my design and then thread painting to complete it. I seldom use a conventional pattern and when I do, I always change it so it is more creative and interesting.
4. How long have you been a quilt maker/fiber artist? Although I have sewn since childhood, I made my first traditional quilt in 1992 when I decided to make a quilt for a going-away gift for a friend. My art background soon led me into fiber arts, which is much more interesting to me than making traditional quilts.
5. Do you listen to music when you make art? I often listen to a movie or television show as I work, but sometimes I put on hymns, jazz or country music, depending on my mood.
6. What do you do when you are blocked creatively? It doesn't happen often, but when it does, I just leave the project alone until I have thought about it long enough to solve whatever is blocking my progress. Occasionally I have scraped a project and started over, and some I never finish.
7. Do you teach? I have taught children most of my life, so it is natural for me to teach others to quilt. I have also taught my grandchildren and other children to quilt. My favorite part is to teach adults to express their creativity. So many do not have confidence in their ability to do more than follow a printed pattern.
8. Are there artistic endeavors that you have yet to do? I am always learning and trying new things. I recently started using Paintsticks, and I love working with them. I want to learn to use lost wax casting to design my own jewelry. I am an avid photographer, and I want to use more of my photos in my quilts.
9. How do you balance your family life and art? It's not easy, since I am often the "taxi" driver for my grand kids many endeavors. My husband has usually been patient with my projects spread over several rooms in our house. That will only change if he completes the studio he keeps promising me. Although I love to cook, we often eat out when I am in the middle of a project.
10. What is the best part about what you do? The best part is having the opportunity to be creative. It was hard to fit in during the years of raising my children. Now I have at least some time to create. The best part of the process of making a project is usually the thread painting, as it gives me the opportunity to make my work truly unique.
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