Jane LaFazio
San Diego, CA
4. Are you a member of a professional art organization, such as SAQA? Have you ever held a volunteer position in the organization, and if so, what? I am a member of SAQA (and have been a rep) and Visions Art Museum (and have been on the board) and in the past, San Diego Watercolor Society (as board member and president).
San Diego, CA
What other ideas for this theme "rituals" did you have? Yoga, a cup of
coffee in the morning, a glass of wine at night, walking in my
2. Are you involved in any community or group projects where you donate your work? if yes, what project or projects? http://mundolindobeautifulworld.blogspot.com/ is near and dear to my heart. It’s a once a week, afterschool art program, free for 5th and 6th graders. I created it and have taught the kids from 6 years. I also regularly donate artwork and time to the San Diego Brain Injury Foundation.
2. Are you involved in any community or group projects where you donate your work? if yes, what project or projects? http://
Do you belong to a small group of like-minded artists? yes/no
Name/where? What is the best part of being part of an art group? I have
in the past and it’s wonderful! To learn and share and be supported in a
group of fellow artists is divine.
4. Are you a member of a professional art organization, such as SAQA? Have you ever held a volunteer position in the organization, and if so, what? I am a member of SAQA (and have been a rep) and Visions Art Museum (and have been on the board) and in the past, San Diego Watercolor Society (as board member and president).
5. What is your
favorite palette of colors that you use in your work? Name 5. Name 5
of your least favorite colors? I don’t have a favorite palette.
Sometimes I work in monotones, creams, whites ecru. Sometimes it’s earth
colors of rust, gold and warm brown. My sketchbook has pages full of
oranges, reds and yellows along with the blue, purple turquoise pages. I
love grey and would like to use it more in my work, but I always forget
about it!
6. Describe your creative work space in 20 words or less. Are you messy or tidy? Messy. When I’m in a whirl of creativity for a project, my desk (and often the floor) gets piled high with materials for whatever I’m working on. It’s a bad sign when I must move from my studio to the dining room table to complete something!
7. What is your creative process? Think, draw, design, make or right to the design? I think color comes first. For my fiber work, I’ll often pick the materials first and let the color scheme appear from what I’m drawn to at that moment. Then it’s right to work, with only a vague feeling for what the piece might become.
6. Describe your creative work space in 20 words or less. Are you messy or tidy? Messy. When I’m in a whirl of creativity for a project, my desk (and often the floor) gets piled high with materials for whatever I’m working on. It’s a bad sign when I must move from my studio to the dining room table to complete something!
7. What is your creative process? Think, draw, design, make or right to the design? I think color comes first. For my fiber work, I’ll often pick the materials first and let the color scheme appear from what I’m drawn to at that moment. Then it’s right to work, with only a vague feeling for what the piece might become.
Is there a particular object or shape that shows up repeatedly in your
work? Why? Nature (leaves, flowers, vines) Circles.
9. If you had to choose a favorite artist from another media, who would it be, and why? John Singer Sargent, David Hockney and Gustav Klimt.
9. If you had to choose a favorite artist from another media, who would it be, and why? John Singer Sargent, David Hockney and Gustav Klimt.
Have you written a book related to Art Quilts and Quilting or have an
instructional DVD? If so, can you tell us the title or titles? “From art journaling to art”
“The Small Art Quilt”
11. Do you make art full time? If you have another career, would you describe what you do? and how you incorporate art into your life? Yes. I make art and teach art full time and have for the past 13 years. I LOVE it!
12. What is your most thrilling news to date in relation to your art quilt life?
Including the wonderful run I’ve at with the Dinner @ 8 exhibitions, being accepted into Quilt Visions 2010 was a big deal, and I’m always thrilled when I’m published.
11. Do you make art full time? If you have another career, would you describe what you do? and how you incorporate art into your life? Yes. I make art and teach art full time and have for the past 13 years. I LOVE it!
12. What is your most thrilling news to date in relation to your art quilt life?
Including the wonderful run I’ve at with the Dinner @ 8 exhibitions, being accepted into Quilt Visions 2010 was a big deal, and I’m always thrilled when I’m published.