Monday, September 11, 2017

Artist Profile: Leslie Tucker Jenison

Leslie Tucker Jenison
1. What kind of challenges did this theme present to you? I had to do a great deal of thinking about what imagery best represents an overall theme in my work.  I settled on shapes that represent both natural and man-made elements.

2. Describe your studio space. I am fortunate to have a newly-renovated studio which includes both design and “wet” work areas inside my home.  I was able to re-think this space in a manner that is very specific to my needs as a contemporary quilt artist and fabric designer.

3. Where can people see your work in the next six months?  Exhibitions include “Threads of Resistance” at the New England Quilt Museum (& traveling), “Your Brightest Life: A Tribute to Yvonne Porcella” as part of “Sacred Threads” (traveling), and the “Personal Iconography:  Graffiti On Cloth” D@8 exhibit.  'In Death' exhibit at the Wisconsin Quilt and Fiberarts Museum. Work will be featured in 2 episodes of “Fresh Quilting”, a PBS show that will air in the coming months.

4.  Do you ever work in a series?  I enjoy working in a series, and have several that tend to be re-visited periodically when I have more information or ideas to contribute.  There are specific challenges that arise from working inside a stated set of parameters.  Sometimes, setting a few limitations is a great way to push the creative envelope.  I find that I have more ideas than “room” inside one piece and that is often how a series begins to take shape.

5. What other activities do you engage in that “feed” your creative energy? I am an avid traveler, photographer, cook, and gardener.  I always have a book nearby.

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