Kathy York
Austin, TX
www.aquamoonartquilts. blogspot.com
1. Describe your signature style in 5 words: fun, colorful, flat, graphic, story telling,
2. Do you ever work in another medium and, if so, what is it and what appeals to you about it?
3. What's coming up for you in your artistic world?
I am looking forward to spending the summer making some new work to submit to Quilt National.
4. Do you have any studio rituals?
I always start with coffee and facebook. Then I get to work.5. Who has inspired you on your artistic journey? I lean heavily on the QuiltArt listserv and the SAQA listserv for inspiration and support. So many wonderful artists to follow!
6. What are the 5 essential things in your studio that you cannot live without?
My Juki sewing machine, my iron, a tephlon sheet, design wall, and my Ott floor light.
7. What is on your design table right now?
I have the layout of a new modern quilt for the Michael Miller fabric challenge.
8. How do you juggle your artistic life, family, friends, etc?
Family and friends come first. I like getting my work done early so that deadlines don't sneak up on me.
9. Do you have any studio companions (human or otherwise)?
I have three cats and a kitten. The kitten does not always get free access....depending on his behaviors.
10. What was the biggest challenge in creating your piece for Reflections?
I had a great fun reading your post. Thank you.