Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Artist Profile: Linda Anderson

Linda Anderson
La Mesa, California

1. What kind of challenges did this theme present to you?  I looked at my personal artistic history and what elements consistently showed up in my work as iconic concept images.  When I came up with those elements, which I could condense to 4 (people, places, perspective, photography),  then it was fun to think of an image that would independently represent each element for me and my work.  Surprisingly those visual symbols came easily.  I usually tell stories of other peoples and cultures.  I loved being able to tell something about my story this time around.

2. Describe your studio space?  I have a 4 1/2 foot by 6-foot table working space with a set in mid arm sewing machine in one corner of the table.  Everything gets done on this table space…. painting, cutting, drawing, all the myriad steps.  On the wall next to me are all my threads.  There is a cubby behind me with fabrics and next to it a small table with my computer.  And of course, an ironing board nearby.  This is a spare bedroom that also is my husband’s office.  I like being able to spend time together in the same room.

3. Where can people see your work in the next six months?  I have a piece at Southern Utah Museum of Art in Cedar City, Utah, till August 26 where I just won Best in Show.  I have a piece at Sacred Threads in Herndon, Virginia, until July 23. I will have a piece in the Houston Quilt Festival in Quilts: World of Beauty in November.   I have a piece touring with SAQA in Australia through November and another piece touring with SAQA in Birmingham, England, on August 10-13.  And I hope to have 1-2 pieces in Road to California next January.

4. Do you ever work in a series?  If so, what benefits or challenges does this present to you as an artist?  It seems all my work is consistent in representing stories of peoples and cultures, so that in essence is a ‘series in theme’ that always grabs me.  I am also working on a ‘China series’, based on photos I took on a trip there.  I intersperse working on that theme with creating other pieces that have stories I feel compelled to tell, such as an Oaxaca piece I’m working on now.  We have a trip next year to India, so I know I will be gathering more photos for an India series.

5. What other activities do you engage in that “feed” your creative energy?  I spend an hour each morning exercising.  After that, I’m pretty narrowly focused.  Working 6 days a week on my art feeds my creative energy.  Doing the daily work with all the myriad steps involved in how I create continually feeds me to do the next step.  I know what the end piece will look like, since I create a finished drawing at the front end of how I want it to be.  The reverse engineering needed to get to that end image is a daily challenge I love to solve.  My mind is always active.  I love waking up to do what I do. 

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